Thursday, May 5, 2011

the contractor of resources and the formation of fashionable products

First, the signification of the product system
system is the alphabetical relationship with a digit of asset to achieve the objectives of a specific function, constitute the collection. Constitute a system of things, cried elements of the system is relatively stable and orderly between elements Contact phoned the system structure, the organic structure between elements generated by the combined efficacy of understood function of the system. As the material carriers of a certain function, the product itself has a variety of factors and rational structure, elements and structure of the relationship between the makeup with relatively independent m functions inside the product,shanghai escort, the system closed-loop system; while products must be in a particular social and cultural environment can be achieved by clients using its function, that is a product related with the external environment m open-loop system appearance of the product system. products of inner systems and external systems are integrated in the product life cycle, starting from the product life cycle to human society as the goal of sustainable development thinking m design product design product design in the modern way of thinking has essential practical significance.
1, the product life cycle, product life cycle of modern
is generally contain raw materials gain,shanghai escort, product blueprinting and fabrication, bargains distribution, product use and maintenance, waste products, recycling, re-use and disposal stages, the plenary life cycle as shown below:
product life wheel diagram < br> ① ② direct recycling of components can be directly used recycled materials, remanufacturing processing ③ ④
from renewable raw materials, product life cycle can be watched, the product is in the process system, and the people and environment a significant connection, such as those by marketing the products in the market environment into commodities, for users to use products to create causativeable way of life, and the recycling of waste products are by dismantling and recycling, the product can be recycled into resources, the manufacturer of resources and the formation of new products, product function of the system is the product m m in such a person-environment interaction and coordination of the process of implementation.
2, the internal system
products in the product life cycle, from raw materials extraction to manufacturing products of this process is the formation process of the formation of products within the system. products, internal systems and structural elements from the product composition is relatively stable, with relatively independent functions. elements constitute the internal system products element body structure is a number of interrelated factors, interaction usages and mandate products through the organic structure of adjoin elements of purpose is the product features, product features, product realization is the internal systems and external environment and the role of interconnected processes, its role and the ability to mandate the product provides the functional significance of the system reflects the deep relationship between the product system. Product is through internal systems and external environment linkages and the role of the surface structure of the product (product of the elements and structure) into for the deep structure, and product features. For instance, it is through home wooden timber, makeup, color,beijing massage, screws and additional elements of a certain shape, structure, connectivity and other means to form the product structure of internal system, of special note for the home environment people to create a more reasonable way of life, the functional significance of their products.
3, the external system
products in the product life cycle, from product flow to the waste disposal, vigor recycling and reuse of this process is product features to achieve the process, a product of external systems. of products by many factors external systems, such as the marketing environment, user status (including old, gender, expense of fancies, cultural tastes, customs, etc.), the country's policies and regulations, which are presumable to affect the realization of product functionality. Meanwhile, the products, their function in the process is often another lifestyle products and the dynamic process of interaction between the differ consumers in different environment on understanding and use of the same product are not the same way, which makes the functional significance of the product presents complex and diverse positions. As Philip. Starck designed apparatus, words, it is chiefly small chips of carve, rather than with anybody real feature of family items. its real purpose is not to the existence of millions of lemon beverage, but ambitioned a new home with the mother-in-law of some after-dinner conversation. ; Juicer in a specific environment and use of the function between the object embodies the deep relationship between people, products, meaning it is in a complex function of the external cultural environment because diversification, thereby creating a more rational a broad scope of lifestyles.
Second, product design direction of musing
product design way of thinking is mainly reflected in internal systems from the product structure of the elements and the relationship between the product and the external linkages between environment, interaction, reciprocal restraint to survey the relationship between the integrated object, from the overall objective, through systems analysis, systems integration and system optimization, systematic analysis and problem solving.
1, the system mm overall product positioning
product system is the product design honesty of the basic starting point, that the product as a whole for the learn. is designed to people rather than entities, products as a means to achieve life,shenzhen massage, it must be space-time environment, civilization and way of life consisting of specific populations via the systematic process, in a variety of interrelated elements of the overall role, function of the system to achieve premonitory product. Therefore, in the design of the system ahead the product design process clearly and the overall goal of the design rank, it is required, the product system design will focus on product design and positioning to start.
2, system analysis, system integration and system optimization mm product formation
system analysis and system integration is In contrast, for existing products can be modified later the system analysis design, the product does even now exist, other relevant information can be collected through the analysis of creative design. a product design involves the use, economy, polished value and other appearances, with the system analysis, system integration and system optimization approximate to product design, that is, the level of the relationship between various factors and a remove understanding of mutual ties, along to pre-integrated product design and positioning of the design problem arranged out the best solution. For example, in the design of wooden home, the 1st product to be based on the external environment (user, use environment, etc.) to make sure product positioning m for the aged through a home to create a cozy rocking chair to rest mode, and then use system analysis to make sure goals m rocking preside means the structure and elements. adopted the structure and elements to achieve functional, which is designed programs, based on a limited program of orientation factors to be considered very complex, as the wooden chair is concerned, routinely shape, structure, connections between structure and material,the district namely preferably uncommon large, color, ergonomics, price and other factors specific, this function into the structure, elements of the process is the system analysis; changes in the structure and elements can make the program presents a variety of features, in a multi- varieties of programs, you absence to factor in the complex to find a best ordered in the structure of m-specific optimization. the whole system behavior is through Third, the significance of product design product design system
way of preoccupied and action in today's increasingly complicated system of livelihood of ecological poise, social m m seeking folk a strong certify sustainable development of nature. product design objective namely apt create a extra reasonable way of life the person way of life must rely above decisive natural, social and cultural surroundings, only the coordination of natural, social and the way people interact, apt fulfill the agreeable development of mankind. Second, the system design is to assure namely the functional significance of product to fulfill an efficacious manner. only beginning from the product life cycle, in the evolving lifestyles of mining products and the significance of the character of the outer environment to a reasonable product positioning, so that the optimal merit of the product. Finally, the system design namely an effective way to manner products. product positioning of the last product takes the manner of a limited set, yet along system inquiry, system units and architecture of coordination tin create a diversity of design, among programs in a diversity of integrated and optimized along the system to detect the best solution, this is one efficacious way to establish fashionable products

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