Friday, April 22, 2011

14. If you compiled a pseudonym for himself

Do you imagine of a junket behind to antique times, people make a return to phantom on the emperor? Colors in the history of envy or reprehend, meantime the emperor, if you choose your character, you would favor to blog on the country life benefit of the people, or enjoying the wealthy, the first people to penetrate?
. A gray bearded old man mm3
. a pretty and cultivated woman mm2
2. The woman sitting in the pavilion by the lake, you think she is ?
. enjoy the lakeside landscape mm6
. silent misery for jumping into a rill mm4
3. retired people ascertain your clothe assorted with others, ask where you're from, you will?
. pretend amnesia that can not remember mm5
. casually compiled a location mm8
4. pavilion to see the girl crying on the inside, you will?
. take a look by the situation repeatedly, do not bother mm7 abruptly in the quondam
. strange and asked what she mind and tried to ask mm11
5. old male enthusiastically tells you can temporarily live in his house, you will?
. very thankful for his kindness, but still want to own to look elsewhere mm14
. agreed his kindness, stay to learn more about these situations ahead and then decide what to do mm9
6. you are entirely unfamiliar with the position here, you will walk the whereabouts of the lake pavilion Women inquire you?
.'ll mm10
. not mm12
7. pavilion dressed woman is very special to see you, do you think she will?
.'re perplexed, do not know thatyou are Where to people mm12
. is fear, fear you are wrong mm14
8. had a man to work back to the elderly, to consult things, you think the youth are the elderly?
. son mm11
. disciple mm13
9. antique dynasty differentiate you immediately, do you muse you might come to is:
. Qin mm10
. Tang mm14
10. Upon inquiry, you know , and now?
. Warring States Period mm13
. the world has been put down mm15
11. you suddenly found a package in the avenue, you feel inside?
. Some do not understand the curious confidential letters mm14
. a paperback like Secrets of martial masterpieces mm15
12. Are you going to mart in the look, but now the kit out of time, you will?
. prepared to contiguous folk a pretext by the sets of clothing mmB
. to prevent the unnecessary distress, or to see where there Hanging out the clothes, secretly brought to dress mmF
13. to be asked what your name is, how would you answer?
. Anyway, no an said comprehending, say, real name mmA
. made themselves a name to tell him mm14
14. If you compiled a pseudonym for himself, you will?
. accustom in TV, read the novel which the names mmD
. casually mention that a label mmE
15. if you select to learn a stunt, you will choose?
. swordsmanship mmA
. Flying mmC < br> A. history of the legendary Emperor Qin Shi Huang
, name Ying Zheng. nativity in BC 259 and died in 210 BC, lived for 50 years. He was the first emperor of China, is one of Chinese history chromatic roles in the Warring States epoch. Some people say that Qin Shi Huang was also cold-blooded dictator, but no one can renounce his courage and vision.
things you not acts and decisions of dreams, and always has its own persistence. In array to target may not want to hard, always nourished the will and determination. so you will no doubt eventually transform a successful person. Do not concern about the opinions of others, boldly decided to let it go to do his own thing now, success will not far away from you!
B. generation Qingchi emperor
. , but can not deny he's a genuine Yang Yuhuan.
you are a maudlin human, regardless of the consequences do not want apt bonds of friendship tin be a reality. In your opinion, feelings are extra important than anything. if necessary because love to remedy household, friends, and feelings of you also ache, a sword can be inserted for others who arms. However, occasionally also affective make you disturbed and often bad determination.
C. good governance The Yongzheng Emperor Yongzheng
Yin Zhen, born in seventeen years Kangxi (1678), is the fourth son of Emperor Kangxi. Kangxi 61 years, 45-year-old Yin Zhen inherited the king, reigned for 13 years, died in Figure Ming Yuen No. Sejong. There historians Yongzheng is exhausted, maybe some of the fewer rigorous, but it is undeniable history of China Yong correct emperor one of the most diligent.
your scrupulous work, work life with their high requirements and mighty principles. and you have strict and serious outlook, so you can get additional people's recognition and affirmation. but you are in serious identity, making you sometimes overwhelmed, if timely loosen, anything will not be too demanding, I believe we can live a more easeful, things are leap to do more with less.
D. desolate melancholy weep of the Southern Tang emperor of the Southern Tang emperor Li Yu
is a very talented poet, merely in the country ashore is a brained. His Song to concession above, year after annual tribute to Figure survived, yet also indulge in the pleasures in life, day-by-Singing in the castle in the dance, pamper in sensual, perfunctory. one in The reason is that you absence the will to do entities stay the same, and will not have high demands above their own, simple to self-pity. for their loss when the world will all complain about unfair or negative distress, but not seriously reflect on their own. This you, whether more striking, explicit goals, I deem that success is not so laborious as you think.
E. Khan
Yuan Taizu fixed, the name Temujin. namely the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. One of the historical contribution of Genghis Khan, through his efforts in the history of the formation of a new Mongolian National Community mm. Temujin infancy after exercising, life Ganaiganhen, full of courage.
you and Genghis Khan maximum general is unwavering. In order to successfully join to tolerate injustice and hone. of such character to hone your capabilities and courage. And bear in mind the disgust of Temujin, as life as you are a another love and dislike people, for their own nice, you'll remember a lifetime; on the hypocrisy of injustice, you will influence the fighting morale, eager to use their aptitude to give a blow. you also have is a lust to succeed and have a desire and dream.
enjoy life Qianlong Emperor Qianlong Hong Li, was born five years of Emperor Kangxi (1711), died of Kerry 4 years (1799). He was the fourth son of Emperor Yongzheng dynasty of 60 years, to tread down 3 years afterward when the overlord, elderly 89. Qianlong was a romance no doubt, civil and naval, brilliant, suave phantasmal, and his re-indulgence, know how to enjoy life.
you are a magnificent neatness of life who want to work learn and fully enjoy life. for their own favorites, you will blaze. you feel rich, like thriller, I hope life is always colorful. so you will no doubt be a successful community, in work and life will be colorful flies.

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