Thursday, April 28, 2011

every pelt namely cruel

Do not kill the planet playing br> to see what natural killing, no harm to the food chain, is completely renewable resources, to commute for money to fared the Chinese people, what can be reproved? is nought more than we ambition to restrict the export of pelt for diplomatic commute, so that exotic businessmen to raise the local price to make more money too! and a withdrawal means for China's economic development vicious!
cruel to kill animals? how cruel can that be? and where no cruel? Maybe Americans are pigs and cattle to listen to music, drank beer, alcohol hit anesthetic, inhaling ether Enron momentous, whether it is called br> What is the destiny of the pig? pig gave birth to the infant when the mother pig, seeing at its . to kill the process is to use tool to inject air into the peel, such as pig skin and muscle disconnection,toronto escorts, can kill the pigs, the legendary What is killing the music alter? pigs to die of fragmentation? pig to kill later the full boiler of pig's blood to reserve under the pot, covered with meat and bones in different areas can be sold for alter prices, to sell the same result , edible to eat, not eat and raiment brush made of fur. meat sword cautiously cut by our story, block, or cable,and plans apt buy sanitary and water heaters in the elapse few days, the final destination is we eat, digestion, into the stool - --- seems to be a shameless object, seems to be cruel to the utmost point of things, but we do not forget, eat meat, we can have the energy to survive! cooks it? will only process and use animal body, to let others eat more satisfied group of people more comfortable Bale.
casually dine our shameless and future generations of rice (rice), wheat offspring (to be ground into flour), we eat a kind of factory roots, stems, leaves, namely is, we commonly eat ashore the teeth can move entire beings, including sharks, whales and sea elephants ashore land, turtles and soft shelled squid, spiny hedgehog and roses, cactus, birds flying in the sky ... ... and sometimes insufficient too tired to grab the birds, put them into assimilated chicken, eat the same!
This allows us to accomplish that a cruel natural law is correct: the forest, survival of the fittest! not qualified for the feeble and strong stresses conditions even if it is to kill the elated few! the growth process of each of us are justifiably killing process, our mama to eat other creatures, called the ; child in the long body, is to their survival,shanghai massage, in order to better their survival, kill, eat a high-sounding other languid plea.
pay attention apt the slaughter of livestock butcher while the so-called ; beast rights Embassy bombarding will be wrong, no apt say nearly an underground bunker? Japan in the Nanjing Massacre,toronto asian escorts, when 731 Chinese folk take the time to do biochemical experiments, the Kuomintang reactionaries *** treat people captured, the U.S. damage of Iraqi prisoners of combat when not mercy can be a mini off, what method must spend, and query side of the child were killed, when another we yell about humanity to animals, namely not also asshole, also hypocritical?
child, watching Japanese vigor movie But back it? pilgrimage to the sanctuary, the evolution of the military, secretly design of nuclear facilities, is the true face peckish lions, or to kill, and even eating each country and individuals in mandate to survive better, fighting is unavoidable, sooner alternatively afterward just to watch who eats who out.
all potent animal oppression and human ancestors had to live on this Earth, early human beings can eat, then eat each other, They in rotate eaten by humans now, and fast eaten, but also to do so hypocritically animal compassion, humans are the most smart on this planet, the maximum bloody creatures, so the skirmish between human beings has chance even more artificial, more bloody!
animals were slaughtered when we see the time,shanghai escort, the premier thought should not be green, ought not be thought that animal category should not be just thought of pity for animals to go nuts yourself stronger, so that country strong, to lest their own and the Chinese competition in the future to kill people, and eat the losers will be the flesh on the chopping stop each other, a piece of meat is a physician who can not be required, if it be hearing to melody kill, a bullet in the dead, or, as today we obtain rid of cattle slaughter a pig, favor lingering necrosis to die, we do not have room for bargaining, the future society, only the strong, have qualified to speak about the conditions.
we eat than be out animals, we are fortunate, and it is unfortunate, at least when animals do not worry about killing, for they do not muse it killed only a moment of panic; and human, from birth along, in panic that they will not will be killed and eaten, they too kill other animals persist to repeat this process, while appealing the terminal result is the We are the same!
Related News Links: tragic form
each fur is cruel

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