Wednesday, April 27, 2011

fifth baby namely Suan Ni

White Pond
called Shangzhi astronomy, geography, known under the puny; by going, Xiao future (joke). But to say hide, he ought ask for the spirits of the field lead to the Yellow Emperor (with a million one thousand five hundred and twenty kinds) ( Gods?). total animal in the No.1.
. jackal body human face, with wings, snake, sounds like hoot call. push the flood. (there is like
recruit British horse human face
(Remy Martin?), a tiger, raw bird wings (head Pegasus?), the sound, such as garnet. demanded to watch the garden for the houses of God, but it seems at best is the only animal that only.

General refers to the volcano, but the flaming jungles), re-jin (body should be very large), approximately one meter long hair, fine as silk, see the water that is death. hair can be made with its (if nasty can be a scalding fire is neat).
estimate is only competent to prophesy the weather)
Its mutton is palatable, but after eating can not tell the fact of the. (use merit is high, huh, huh)
br> jaws was red, as Cuise. to Royal fire.
category Jufeng). stung animal animals died, stung tree withered. (Yuen Bee upgrade?)
measure alternatively more, the tail in the water when the partakers *. pillage with its tail anchor shore animals eat.
chicken plume head. lavender, wings have eyes. sunrise nightfall also. (pigeons heterogeneous?)
. keep the can Jieyou Chou. (advanced caress?)
. wading mouth, tail,environmental verse in family., tail plate at recess.
three knotted. Leizhen Zi is the three-way, yellow is the day of the three-way, Yang Jian dark days of the roaring dog sensational, shaped like a white elephant. How can one say that a good dog: the dog Xiu Xian No. thin waist, shaped like a potential white elephant such as the owl. Copperhead laborious to parry iron neck, face ferocious frontal bone has consumer. hurl of whooping-day dog ​​bite on the fairy Zuobang; bite of the fairies is the prototype, the incipient is an ax. , Asthma is to help the dog days of its Shoufu , (variant Chaos God says otherwise eminent, do not go here)
yes-men living in human abdominal
. host every voice of the belly ambition have a small sound, and will keep rising. to Leiwan can be cured. (ventriloquist?)
Sui Tang Jia words so that the messenger (there is said to grab fish.) history was also name (Wu Wangliao son, Reggie), fortress name for this.
> and sealed
level pigs, black, front and rear Jieyou head.
Ps: the above is approximately a pate wag.
(Wang will) br> pig-like teeth, as its label sounds. can be expected harvest.
, the wire can stop bleeding.
(the second two classics) br>
The (South activities two classics) . one that can be imperial soldiers.

horse bird wings, but faces tail (similar dupe with the British). like manned (should be very appropriate for the horse).
br> like sheep not goats, pigs may not pigs. brain dead in the underground food can hide. with cypress inserted before the first kill.
length Shu Zhang, type cattle, Yao sunny blue eyes, legs in the taint, although the move does not move. CD alcoholism can be canceled. because it was the sadness of the gas collection, alcohol can lotus, so I can eradicate.
a tiny case of Yinhui, the Feiming by. Shuo people who love the soul into the air. also statement said the nine dogs who have bared one, and often bleed. drops the house, there are fierce guilt. (the suspect a cases)
Hydra and the like)

deer body, head, such as birds, horned, tail Leopard Man. Peter has said that it is the wind. But I consider it is the treatment of airy wind more rational animal.
) serviceable in the method hound)
small holes, it will spray, such as ammunition, in the persons killed or disabled. (mythology air is not thick, but can be a relatively criterion monsters, but also very lusty)
br> Xi mouse
immense rats, living under the ice, cumbersome weight, edible meat. pelt clothing can be, for the lukewarm top grade. Pimeng with their drums, their sound can be spread far and broad, it can be cried rodent hair . (King Rat to say)
, eating person head. tongue long bursts, and periodically break off panel aboard the floor, dart the boulder with burns can slay. (quite intelligent, well familiar in disguise. may feel sensitive, primarily in the tongue (killing it?) . can be reflected in its response is quite rapid to move as the fight type.)
> Don Duan-style For this cause. ). (but still much weaker than Hou ah)
the shape of a dog and a panther text, the angle such as cattle, which it is called cunning, its sound, such as barking dogs, see if the National Rang. . seven or eight feet long, shaped like a carp and red, in the water day and night into people. thorn Nothing, cook the dead, to cook ebony two of the dead, but evil can eat sick.
The (North deficit by) specter it. suction gas marrow?)
bladder. pummeling his head with the bottom of thousands of dead, but at the peak of the mouth into the air swiftly to life. stuffed with Po-chang only kill its nostril. The feminine can be medicine, the brain and can be daisy-served his life five hundred pounds. (This is because most of the extinct animal life five hundred l r on the, ah dread is really human)
angle kyu (angle Tiger)
Ren, also known as the beast. such as sheep, corner, blue, sexual Zhongzhi. see people touch the wrong mate for the gathering to. Gao Yao (name) has settle a lawsuit with its. (suspected to know the people, and it could wreck right or wrong. biological polygraph?)
leaven tantrum Xin Zhan fine string round mound of thin sigh admission system Zhai ざ Q Xiu rural fat Nam Organisation consultative cone ⅰ said that the Duke had seen the.
Ps: duo The b in the second twelve the other word)
greatest of beasts, the guiding tail tigers, 4 hundred feet long, agreeable to go, folk dine. who namely secret in case of Road and met the others is not way to eat. (to penalize evil and subserve good ? However, the words so tin no comprehend its predation way? such a colossal body, the speed to quickly to ......)< br> br> wood and stone of the strange, also said the fine for the mountains. like a child three years old, red-eye long-eared, red black, like to imitate the human voice to disturb people.
text their eyes weep, then to the beads. , also known as spring off. Nanhai Jiao out of raw silk narrative, woven by Mr. Qian, a long narrative, the amount of hundreds of gold. that enter the water does not moisten. Palace of the South China Sea has long raw silk, raw silk weaving first spring at the evil words of a skinny fold constriction short the S skeleton fed portly fatuous? three cited beads full plate, in line with the owner br> chromatic snakes, some said it was two. people touch it, in the head to the tail, then head to the tail, then head to tail in the back and to. (Teng It is mainly because the that this snake)
Yuxi. Gotti mow white snake knife. sword has 7 jade beads Jiuhua restroom colored cup that is Jianxia complex. the sword still in the apartment along to outer circumstances are not special and Tingjian. one plus annuals of grinding Ying. blade on constantly if the frost. open box glorious pluck shot sheath Noir who have mores.
character is introduced today has a species: image, it is a kind of cannibal monsters, and has a fixed principle, generally cited starting; each * evil beast and await meantime the escapement. food. such a corruption, such as Hene, hoards instead, people of good triumphs grains (on the two original weak, strong and strike terror lonely, it is called gluttony. in the diet, take the goods of bribery, aggression lust luxurious adore, not profit tired; convergent real plot, I do not know very punishment; regardless of widows and orphans, do not be short of shirt. The people in the world than three fierce, that the gluttonous. Song Luo bleeding meat wings. s, surname Jiang also, Emperor of the refuge, when the Yellow Emperor in Jinyun the commander also. ; not talent ): No birds), a cannibal.
panda special home Professor Zhang Hemin concentration in an interview a few days antecedent, said that captive pandas began 4,000 years ago may be.
Zhang said in ancient books, the panda is understood for known as the brave (pixiu). and the archaic Chinese romance
【Huanshou and devil (6)】
Shadow Wood
a plant. look at it during the day, hundreds leaf shadow; flower bright like stars in the night. years before the results and fruit such as melon big, blue sunspots, food is as usual light as feasible.
Mao, a seven inches long. can fly in the air, can catch up with galloping horse. It is said that Yao has the pine nuts to eat, but Yao did not blank. when the person catching the pine, have lived for three hundred years. (what ah pine nuts ! opened fragmentation of light? However, advertising with this Yishi good for snacks.)
four flee, hidden in the human body, or the ancient pillars, or the Office of Court tower; dodge pursuance Raytheon. If in the desert, nowhere to escape, often perceive into the trumpet, often because by this implicate lad was dead Lei Chen.
Daniel, be available for a mile.'s skin hanging from it, the hair from the high tide, cheap tide is gross V.
> Mountains in the trees could talk, not the tree's sake, but because Treant Yunyang. the right to call out its name has nought.
> dragon have nine sons
kid is called Prisoners large cattle: its smooth body loved melody, piano Guchang stand in the head. such as the erhu Han, Bai shamisen and so on. dances and the Mongolian meat may be a variant of prisoners. is the second son of Jair bordering
: it flat body so much love be safe to kill on the weapons to prohibit the antagonist. in the meantime with the guards of prestige, and to look more dignified.
three children are jeered Wind: Yes Only animals with long, looks a bit like a dog, good observation, it is more security on the Dianjiao. said to deter demons, the eradication of the scourge.
fourth child is Po prison: like shouting, people put it On the timer, mostly Po prison's image. It is said that it is living in the waterfront, but very scared of a whale, a whale attack, but it will horrified barking. so that people shape the Mu Chu caused whales to Order brass alarm especially loud.
fifth child is Suan Ni: the shape of a lion. is a foreign product, with the presentation of Buddhism to China, so the temperament a morsel like a Buddha. It is a good silence, and adore fireworks. so often it safe in the Buddha-bit or annoy, and it is Buddhist statute enforcement.
sixth child is under the hegemony: also known as Bi gigantic strength, look like turtles. According to legend, in ancient times, it is often on her own Sanshanwuyue to stir up trouble. after Yu rein, Yu set a lot for the contribution. flood control after the success of the merits of Yu put it, let it get cracking. so much from it in China and comesintoseffect the stone.
seventh child is a imprison jail: also known as the Charter, looks like a tiger. According to legend it judge, but also right and wrong, so it is safe in Yumen up and down, bureaucratic hall two, as well as altitude officials of the cards to avert voyage of inspection in array to preserve the distinction of the gas courtroom.
eighth child negative gigantic strength: because it in literature, it is more security in the stone of the two.
youngest son is Chiwen: Also known as? # 124; tail, fish-shaped dragon. Legend has it that approximately the Northern and Southern Dynasties, from India Mojie fish > Dong Ming grass
a plant. will be light, fold under the bough can be used as torches. to perdition according to substance. may take, eat the body will be light.

acid and
birds. shaped like snakes, four six three-foot wing. Since the call of their name. now is the location of a alarm.
Ye, Yan Emperor Group dispensary. Real flowers are always wizardry drug.
(which explains a lot of asset, I chose one out of)
CPI, was born in the mountain flows. a two-inch long, the mouth crossbow-shaped silhouette of a gas fire, the start of the sore, not timely medical treatment have died.
five feet, leaves a long ridge, more than two feet wide. fruit nuclear, shaped like dates,toronto escort, length five feet wide, about the same. with gold knife is Pickle, with a reed sword is painful. eat there in pence can, without fear of the fire, afraid of knives. (front feels a bit like the Queen Mother's peach)
complete side
wood liquor (?). such as birds, blue, bare feet, a foot (with a wing, said two-legged), do not eat grains. See the Yi are correct bombard (the fire has said often in the heading others mischief catastrophe). as the Bird in the Yellow Emperor Wei car (with the devil that is reasoned by fire, usually known as Fire Crow).
Peng Wu Zhao Jian Hou

prefect sent a large camphor tree cut back on, not cut a few axes, with blood out of a sudden. tree off, there is a human face dog body (with no tail that) entities out. Prefecture, said this is Peng Hou, kill cooking food, taste like a dog. (and fine wood with a blue livestock more than bad luck.)
the dogs. Red-billed white-tailed red-eye, appeared to have the fire.
Life Chitose, full five hundred years the color white.
. r Expedition to try this eight-Chun Yang. has said that the saliva of the dragon. Birds can be caught by wild beasts hh tigers,shanghai massage, so that evil can not damage the monster disaster team. (suspected persons), so touch the sheep, is guilty of touch, touch is not guilty. Therefore Gao Yao Jing Yang, ups do it. homophone instead of
(insects as)
River water fine. one two, the class snake, 8 feet long, calling their names, preferable and turtles.
Shen Nong

animal pill, the white Democratic Progressive animal medicine. people are sick of white people to use the language of the report of the mass of the nameless. beast grasses behind to the title field, serving as the grass, to cure disease . has said that achieving the Yellow Emperor called the wind data, transportation later. (Shen Nong what?)
Department, with the tempest have to have. (and later the legendary Dragon King like, to be its model)
Yan. private ox. One of its contribution to the evolution of farming. taste of Dan Sui Wo bird 9 titles, the elect up ground by factories, food are age and die. Another forefather of it as medication. Kamimuchi whip Baicao understand Baicao habits, to take convenience of them. detoxification tea has been poison to death.
latter routinely scatter wider.

was connate in the isle in the sea spiders. as huge as the wheels, body with colored, silk is also thick, Haw Par also touch the not off, and eat it to death. (should be the giant spider, but it can also wonders Tiger Balm to death, and was nativity in the island?) , Lin for the mother. elk body oxtail iceberg. do not fulfill infestation, do not deduct grass. Although the damage is not very strong, that the core beast. auspicious thing. Lin Feng turtle dragon, that the four spirits.
said the text white wings, yellow feet, it is called white-Ye, the food has been Essentials for pain, you can have Chi.
X Chronicles, the Tao-sheng bird mother Tarot is the
round mirror according to the sea, girth II Chi Yu, outer purple color, Siyu non-jade; the medium of a Whitehead protruding via the end of ventilation out, like crystal glass. Barry can see Hawaii and outdoor the photo all the rocks, in order to assist avoidance.
The tortoise, in constant rotation, but a very small bottle, I do not know how to go in (this can be done, and not startling). but immediately was circled by all the turtles, not off, had to cede the turtle group of accidental side. have the know call it names turtle Po, Fu Bao person case but could not; as was the personalty in the home, you must treasure. (estimated as the cornucopia and the like, or make the title Bora together like turtle)
Xu Gu free copy gray, not long angle, only a foot long. every time there will be tempestuous. is it that the sun still shone and the moon like it, like the roar and thunder was deafening. Later, the Yellow Emperor to obtain this beast, with It is made of the drum skin and bone to do with Ultralisk drumsticks, drums resounded through the five hundred miles away, horrify enemy soldiers, serving the world reputation.
birds. shaped favor ducks, only 1 wings, an eye, to be two birds flying together. It emerged the globe to a overrun.
title of the snake, the male after the snake. Steller private, Siti foot long elbow. (made to look like to the head should be called Tiger (Remy strong than in the West?), may prefer to feed on the snake)
l Queen Peach r, l Xiantao r, l r peach, etc..)
it. This worm circular as the pellet, the class frog. telling anyone ahead the foot over their heads, the same as shy. can be boring, very fast. but sometimes the voice of the cuckoo on the ground to split brain death. (may be this name)
have a glass out. the spring and the world the same, not a time when dry. has said that those who beverage this wine, and paradise and globe with life.
Shan Hai Jing (Nanshan through) three-legged black side by side with the seat next to the Queen Mother. but in the end by the novels and people tales are tired, they change back to the higher Wicked. (Daji ......)< br> floating
were going domestic. It is said that the defeat died after they drowned (should be after the death of God). its like a red bear, often brings ominous. In the chief hall is seen to dominate the world of the dead and living room to see the civil population under the panic; approach the gate Elegance is a care to see in the garden to see if I were youhing serious.
taste Duke Ping of Jin glance of their screen Night's Dream, is a ailment. baby produced disease only words and no injuries glance of shade. Because it is vanquished at Zhuanxu , also the minister for the aggregate of workers, it is attempting a total of workers may be more Zhuanxu.
Man gold mire liverworts. and the color of gold, fair like countless Firefly together, body like egg in common. If it into the water, the spread of the waves above the dazzling flashes of light emitted. Therefore, also known as in green, yellow afternoon, twilight blue, ruddy night, five-color changes.
foreign records, son for the day, so ......)< br> Bird in appending to another, sounds such as barking, fired into a fire, the title of Ganoderma lucidum for the nest, lay eggs Quartet (refers to the shape Oh, really, that birds lay eggs, they also are not afraid of cutting ass).
snakes title
Xiyou people land, and saw a wounded snake on the side. another snake grass cover on the title of a wound, the more the afterward day ache the snake. sore after the treatment with the grass, all morale. This herb unknown to being to the sister? br> dark green hair, the mouth red, the legs black, the whale (this is the myth of the whale, and the reality of similar, but more exaggerated) for food. shock wings to fly, the sound of thundering wind, jolt heaven and earth. (China This monster super multi myth is also a important feature)
This is not a sheep, and the rain work also. ask: What is the rain work. A: The Thunder and the like also. (mine should be made to unravel the properties of animals, type sheep. But Raytheon and Ultralisk myth was shaped mostly function The most incompetent, as in monkeys. This digit should be differ)
PS: The matron would not be right

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