Thursday, April 28, 2011

the usage valueless.

Nature is smart, nature is quaint. Trolltech and the wonderful nature, not adore the gift of evolution survival of the fittest,for breast nutritional content of {person|peopbreastmilk substandard., but by the balance (life and death) cycle evolution dictates.
Ancient observation of nature, see the world a (horizon) line, so the speculation: days to do, to a side. The results produced a hemispherical dome concept; ancients observe life, to see death, and you see students, so the speculation: goes up. reincarnations of the results produced belief. This seemingly scientific theory, observation and inference than the ancients may be more extreme, more narrowly.
to the overall regional to speculate as to the details to (decide) inference in general and in this way, the method worthless.
ancient Chinese scrutinized natural phenomenon, painted of 24 solar terms of the statute, a difference between seasonal alterations; on agricultural creation plays an immeasurable efficacy on people's journal life, folk customs of the formation, plays a subtle character. reconnaissance of nature of modern man, questioning The concept of a hemispherical ceiling, that the globe (earth) is a round, established heliocentric theory; on the promotion of industrial creation played an priceless character in people's daily life, the formation of modern industrial society, activity a subtle role .
appointment, made with the establishment of scientific theory, still follow the applying of the ancients had 3 elements: science can not develop without observation, questioning,beijing massage, recommending that the 3 units. not carefully observed, it is difficult with base; did not question the outlook, it will not make progress; no logical, reasonable speculation, it would not be innovative.
Marxism-Leninism is the science. Marxism (society) do not currently exist, can not prove its existence. We ought not communist society does not currently exist, unreasonable to conclude that Marx's communist theory is: pseudo-science. Marxism is logical, reasonable presumption arising from the theory of Socialism. From primitive Socialism to communist theory of Marxism-Leninism, in line with the evolution of a loop, of course, science.
established scientific theory, not only need to be proved with facts, logic can also be secondhand to push (Li) measurements to be depicted. There is no discovery, being able to prove things, not necessarily means that the hereafter will not be found, not necessarily means that will never exist. science, find some kind of law is periodically put amenable some ideas. conjecture or reasoning, is clearly also an a science. any thing essential to prove with facts, it seems very reasonable, may be a specious sophistry, such reference is itself fewer scientific; amenable inference surely is a science. All things have been testimony may mean that science will come to an end; Science may be the proof is in consecutive progress; forward-looking science (theory, etc.) may prove to be an argument that street lights, paving stones.
detect the laws, to propose ideas of science, Perhaps more than proven science is more advanced. Science (theory) of the development process is constantly overturned the inherent (past) theory of the process. geocentric inherent point of view, and has developed a lot of assist system, it seems indestructible. heliocentric questioned geocentric, science to develop and progress. the so-called: locked in,beijing escort, is also.
population is distant underneath the modern death birth, population growth on the planet is an indisputable fact, which to simply reincarnations briefed as: superstition. not equal to life and death to prove reincarnation is not authentic, it seems very powerful, inevitably far-fetched. reincarnation, not necessarily by the people sacrifice of some creatures, and . animals and plants (species) depress the some as superstition, some for science, it is wonderful? Is it interesting? mankind from the tens of thousands of people? developed to billions of people today, in this process, the other students on the planet (moving, plants) to decrease billions of. Perhaps it is this cutback in the billions of Health (Animals, plants), only the achievements of today billions of people. reincarnation of the argument, can not be proved between species or life and death will reincarnation, you can simply portrayed as: superstition; Similarly, the reincarnation characterized as superstition, can not prove that species or between life and death, there is no reincarnation of the argument, perhaps non-scientific, no claim may not be blind to science. Why can not . These concepts or beliefs, there may be some scientific elements. and there are a concrete analysis of concrete problems of things, but also what a modern way, way, what angle to see at the problem. the ancient Taoist philosophers such as percentage kin theory, can not be decisive because of its ancient and its behind. Perhaps these ancient doctrines of certain standard slander than modern scientific theories advanced and more advanced, more science, of course, require thinking of a matter of opinion. to determine whether or not the advanced scientific theories, and when not made before and afterward the old and new concepts, slogans are loud, the fans are many, but in its realistic objective, in its logic, in its reasonable.
non-scientific superstition, blind pseudo-science.
As technology advances, cautiously observe the nature of modern man, for the survival of species that contend? then proposed: This theory is science, it is not true.
, plays a subtle role. On the surface, than the agricultural civilization of perfected industrial civilization, civilization and progress of modern civilization than the incipient, may not. Perhaps the industrial civilization of the apply and havoc of natural resources, to more than ten years of harvesting civilization to more than ten years speed of the elemental civilization thousands of years amplifying. from the natural (balanced, evolutionary) development point of view, what is the progress of industrial civilization? hardly everme perfected? probably really need to browse a matter of opinion. and mutually reinforcing some of the theory of industrial civilization, perhaps reflect on the matter of opinion.
found silk used as a textile material,escorts toronto, and the invention of artificial textile materials used, each carrying a different civilization. a behind sustainable (cycle) the development of the aquaculture industry; a back the request of natural resources the (fuel) chemical industry; a natural ecological cycle in a sedition of the ecological cycle. Industry (Technology, etc.) the rapid development of the natural environment (industrial pollution and its payout products) are also quickly deteriorating, natural ecosystems (land, water, atmosphere, animals, plants, etc.) are difficult to reverse the deterioration of the situation rapidly.
human society needs to respect laws of balancing cycle, from agriculture civilization, the evolution of industrial civilization to ecological civilization, some (theory) the basic concepts are need to develop with the times. In fact, br> The suggestion with the establishment of scientific theory, you need details of the Department confirmed that more needs (general) trend of the reasonable.
forest is necessitated in mandate to survive, is required to retain the natural balance, rather than to survival of the fittest. lusty and avails are not necessarily interlocked, weak and poor are not necessarily correlated, even among the law of the forest and the survival of the fittest has nought. Confucian scholar encounter meet pickpockets just aboutldiers, but the strength of a difference in terminology, avails and drawbacks may not be pertinent. The winner is not necessarily ; excellent survival of the fittest to evolve, as we have penetrated the horizon, but not went over to the edge, fair turn in a circle on the earth. from the days of round and suspect where it has little correlation between the digit; inference from the law of the jungle and survival of the fittest This has not linkage between.
Nature (Earth) day accident in the event of the annihilating, the killing of advantageous (biological) evolutionary equilibrium; nature does not encourage lust or garbage, all enter the circle. to these killings determined based on the survival of the fittest, rather than speculate as to see the horizon hemispherical dome is more scientific. modern technology does not seem to find a place in the natural history of the survival of the fittest (important) event, but it can easily find a lot of win In order to respect the laws of nature, in the natural (ecological) balance cycle, complete the mission of the evolution of life and death cycle; survival of the fittest ideas proposed in the bullying perform of hegemony king to find the root of the balance of the natural cycle disunited the evolution of the rapacity or waste become the regulation, may expedite the natural (ecological) of the excellent. Strong is superior? weak for the poor? natural selection rejects the culling, is the result of survival of the fittest, not survival of the fittest achievements. weak or Liezhe, at the peak of the fittest can survive the natural development of strong or excellent in, not necessarily the winner, if I were you the fittest, may be by natural selection. law of the jungle, survival of the fittest and natural selection, survival of the fittest between, there is no rational, reasonable, necessary connection, but there are irreconcilable contradictions.
modern technology has been confirmed: the earth is round, not square. modern technology might not have been fully confirmed, the solar system is not round, the Milky Way is not round, the universe is not round, or at least speculated that the Milky Way is a circle, the universe is a circle. modern Technology overturned the equilibrium cycle evolution, all the material universe has life. man the sun, moon and other stars as inanimate matter, and in fact, the sun, moon and other stars is itself a meteorite, there is birth, growth, the demise of (life) processes. Perhaps the human neglect (not?) confirmed that these materials were born, grow, die (life) processes, the life cycle of these substances may be more than human (value) knowing of organisms have longer and more slowly the birth, growth, extinction process. human beings can use the move (test) cycle of evolution to certify the existence of this balance.
development of the universe is a system of equilibrium wheel.
Earth in the universe is only a very small point. Earth's biological diversity, birth, growth, demise, but a moment in the universe. different big change on Earth, only equilibrium cycle evolution of the universe is very negligible part of the process. Earth the balance of the universe circulating in the evolution of the mission to complete their life cycle. human life on earth is parasitic on the cyclic evolution of the universe out of balance laws and own evolution. humans and other animals, not to transcend nature (Earth) the evolution law of the equilibrium cycle evolution unattended. only the Earth, no sun, the moon will take part in the Earth's equilibrium cycle evolution Earth may become distinct star on the body, the human will not must anxiety almost evolution or degradation.
evolution and degradation respective. In fact, all living only evolution, evolution does not exist or degradation. < br> After hundreds of millions of years of cosmic evolution has generated a universal equilibrium cycle; Earth billions of years through gradual evolution of the formation of equilibrium cycle food chain; the poise of the food chain through the hundreds of millions of years of evolution cycle, producing the human, ahead the formation of today's biological variety. Earth (nature) of biological systems, it is a often equilibrium the evolution of the food chain cycle. After the equilibrium of hundreds of millions of cycles in the evolution of the human food chain from a ring, and gradually approached the top of the food chain. So to conclude: the human evolution. too uncomplicated.
cycle of life and death on Earth tens of thousands of annuals, has evolved well-developed head, it seems that evolution, it is not. In fact, the people greater. men may degenerate so accessible in the ear, may be degraded vision and sense of smell, degraded to defend the peel with a warm anti-warming feature of body cilia, degradation of the omnivores (canine) teeth, and degradation of the raw food (flesh or grass) absorbent system, degradation of the cecum What is the feature of hh in the evolution of mankind? or degraded? It is explicit in the evolution of human creatures. there will have some detriment of earnings, some aspects of evolution, some appearances will inevitably lead to degradation, and its essence is evolution.
all life on Earth are of nature, human life lesson, nature has given. The human evolution process and the formation of biological diversity, is a gradual growth process, not an evolutionary survival of the fittest process, just like young adults from the embryos grow into. juvenile infants powerful or smart than is self-evident; does not average the survival of the fittest juvenile adults to infants and young babies is evolved. If we humans (category) growth process as evolution, human beings still kid will be nativity in Chi Daier or lacking, we have a day or degradation for the evolution of infinite dialectic.
the birth of any species in nature, have a life (cycle) cycle; species have life cycles in the individual, the species also has a life cycle. just individual's life cycle is short, the entire species of life (cycles) cycles long. all organisms in nature (ecological) in both place, are the whole food chain momentous portion, does not matter what distinctions, it does not material what wrong. only in the balance of nature evolution cycle their own roles to play to complete the cycle of evolution of their mission. we put the individual as the life cycle of growth, We as a species, the life cycle of evolution, not a rebuttal? same life cycle, using differ criteria, is clearly unscientific.
individual human ingenuity can not unattached genetic survival of the fittest to persist, but only cyclic evolution in the population to be passed onward. on earth could not generate destiny. Only among the nuances between individuals, does not appear meaningful differences between populations.
say the least, even if the evolutionary point of view the establishment and survival of the fittest is also unrelated. assuming the establishment of evolutionary point of view, assuming that the food chain the altitude of the movement (raw) substance was wonderful, the edible fetter the underlying dynamic (raw) materials to Liezhe, then nature have to follow the inference, the conviction is simple: the food chain to the altitude of the , pushing the altitude of the food chain (raw) materials may not detect food for of the 1st to be hungered to decease. the food chain to the top of the action (raw) materials must dead sooner than the bottom of the beast, and the formation of degradation. the food chain the underlying dynamic (raw) materials in the absence of the natural enemies of equilibrium cycle, may be extra prosperous, and then the formation of a fashionable circular of evolution.
we can make the world (nature) of the equilibrium cycle is divided into three stages of evolution of harsh : birth, growth, demise. We participate in the evolution of nature and balance of the ecosystem cycle is divided into 2 coarse Department: dine or be eaten. Earth and Earth formed at the beginning stages of birth, must first evolved micro (planktonic) organism or vegetation, Earth (ecological, etc.) has grown, and then evolved herbivores or carnivores. the earth into the biological diversity of the growth conversion to extinction, the Earth enters the stage of extinction, the first will be the demise of (strong actor?) predators, followed by is the herbivores and so on. the bottom of the food chain must be the premier creatures, the latest vanish, the overall food chain life cycle than by the much longer life cycle of living. Nature is the first out of the top priorities in the food chain strong who can not be excluded at the bottom of the food chain weak Liezhe. This is a little like erection a house, construct a house must first have basis, rather it be possible to have high buildings, the house is extremely dependent on the basis of the depth or fastness; no clear basis there can be no high-rise. Even if housing breakdown, high-rise buildings (top) disappears, infrastructure must also.
dominating view of survival of the fittest, the equivalent of excavating a turn of nature. equilibrium cycle evolution of the laws of the universe, but also the Earth (ecological) and the only course.
human growth phase in the Earth, the Earth evolved is the stage of biological diversity, to the growth stage of the phenomenon, and the institution of survival of the fittest than the hemispherical dome of the concept of reincarnation beliefs than the more scientific.
cycle of human evolution in the balance of nature, the entire process of human evolution on Earth is basically the same. indigenous people and sufficient level of perception among the only difference, rather than the merits of a biological level. As East and West is slightly different evolution of the environment, will produce some of the (natural, etc.) recognize the differences. Western disposed to promote competition, the fight Bo, the strong stronger, the pursuit of short-term benefits of the ; gainful action of certain human desires, of course, as the survival of the fittest, not necessarily nice for the balance of nature and evolution cycles and may eventually negative human survival and development. with or without humans, evolution of the universe still balance the cycle, the earth (even become a meteorite) still participate in the balance of the universe evolution cycle. the human idea of ​​on the evolution (growth) life cycle. is nice or bad, the climate, know to know thatyou must understand. To protect the global environment of mankind, we must first understand the environment, may be competent to slow the Earth's amplify the nature of possible life (cycle) period, to assist enhancement of human life (cycle) cycle.
Nature (Earth) is the mommy of mankind. sentence may not seem too scientific basis, close to the slogan, then, in fact, Otherwise, in fact, this sentence bears deep scientific basis and philosophy. Earth (nature) are all living species to be bred by nature, it may have a diversity of (growth) development and evolution process. Individual Life there is a growing process, species (group) also had a life growing up. present in the human juvenile period, Thanksgiving, or acquire a copy of the choice. children (human or other species) can be respected (natural) mommy, ecological conservation; also bypass the natural destruction (plundered) ecology. Mother Nature (WWF) will not be offended, not revenge, walked the sonorous equilibrium cycle steps, that is not evolution, not degradation, continue to evolve. the mommy gave birth to the child, the value and signification of life or not, the . not in accordance with the hopes of some people to evolve survival of the fittest, but stood his ground, the balance of the universe in cycles, that is, not evolution, not degradation, to evolution. Nature has insisted the strong role of his convictions. Excellent powerful mouse, no matter how survival of the fittest to Pinbo, only rats will not evolve into a lion; old and sick lions, even now the illness and death, it is still a lion, not survival of the fittest into mice. species are nurtured by nature not rely on the survival of the fittest evolution. all species are children of nature, there is no class vary, but their (species) growing experience is different, just completed in the food chain (species) evolution of their mission to balance the cycle only . Nature has on the strong help the weak Rouchang, hardness with softness of love, out of the superior strength of the dinosaurs, and the powerful of the giant, saber-toothed tigers, the mighty dark sheep, so that they exit the stage for the evolution of natural equilibrium cycle, for the other Drought and cold, seasonal changes, but also in surely fair and just strength of temperament. the nature of every creature, everybody is treated equally. if it is strong actor as Liger, ants, mosquitoes seem minor or weak; or expensive for the throne, and then or base for the teeny human, nature gave each renown and fortune, or the marrow of a million will be off the floor, in the end still naked away, and a great many bones as partners, has become a bone. those priceless burial objects, only devoted to Archaeology (Tomb) of those present, large Nature is not to nay or adopt only these as sand. dust to dust, earth return to the earth, if it is cheats, or evil enough, nature still has die capacity Xu Yousheng. Personal life wonderful or not , be resolved by their own experience.
human (individual) life (cycle) cycle is restricted, can not live! Long live!! long live!!! human (species) life (cycle) cycle is restricted Earth's life (cycle) cycle is limited, the sun's life (cycle) cycle is finite hh may live! Long live!! long live!!! it is still limited.
natural law: species providential, strength coordination, balance of life and death, along by the growth cycle evolution.
human need to follow the ecological) of the potentate hegemony, saute show, the annexation of expansion, quick success, greedy and other adored success or failure of the outlook, values, outlook on life. eventually may form: battle sanctions, Jiminggoudao, keep trail of the social architecture. the ultimate goal is: to obtain and defeat , success, victory. right and bad world view, values, outlook on life. eventually may form: Lubushiyi, close the gates at night, courteous courteous social architecture. the ultimate ideal goal for the defense of right and wrong, cause, make rational. may be as early as possible into the ecology of human culture.
theory (public) infrastructure affects the outlook, values, outlook on life form; outlook, values, aggregated into a social atmosphere of life; social atmosphere about the demeanor of each person. scholar faced soldiers, the scholar can only have when the soldiers , the overbearing law of survival of the fittest encounter, must be beaten, to be bullied. menial demeanor of comity may not mean a behind; combat Victory method the arbitrary acts may not be advanced. in a social context to promote survival of the fittest, the humility to be beaten is to fight inevitable, comity was bullied Victory is unavoidable. survival of the fittest rampant overbearing rule,beijing massage, must give way to force the demeanor of humility atrophy, which is not the will of the people transferred.
different theories (public) infrastructure is bound to have different world views, values, outlook on life, will inevitably lead to a different social air, each person must so different demeanor. deem in what the theory as a basis to create public opinion for what kind of guidance, what kind of atmosphere for the formation of an atmosphere is the power of social choice, commitment to the liability of selection, the community (must be) duties. All entities are tough, acquire, sow and farm go hand in hand, complement each other. pluralistic society that does not mean appreciation dregs sediment overrunning, chaotic muddle; a clear need to discriminate between basic and secondary offense, clutch the priorities.
society (elementary) methodology namely a chief line needs, public opinion (orientation) too need a cardinal line, it may fashion a outlook of the globe, values, landscape on life in the main capillary, it may form the main theme of social values. methodology, public opinion, the primary and secondary choice namely required. is no the ambition of one individual transfer. What variety of (basic) theory to do the main line, what public opinion (orientation) to do the main line, what is jump apt sing the main theme. loud this is no some empty slogan hurrahing tin do, yet along evolving a pragmatic shrewd.
respect for nature, good to ecology, protect the environment. not just put in his mouth shouting slogans, the subject of a show for the sensation of commercial profit-making sorcery, but should be specific action to do.

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